✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ WARNING: Music Nerd Post ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦
Not long ago, I was having a conversation about music with a good friend of mine. My friend and I have enjoyed numerous great conversations about music over the 30 years that we've known each other. In this instance, we found ourselves talking about how some music gets past us and, on the other side of that coin, the ups and downs of only recently discovering "older" music. This led to a brief discussion of some other self-imposed frustrations we put on ourselves.
It got me thinking about how my listening habits have changed, influenced by my battle with cancer for the past year. It's safe to say that this battle has changed me in several ways, both physical and mental/emotional, and our conversation made me want to try to articulate how the past year has changed my listening habits.
Since I’ve been sick, I’ve really embraced spontaneity in my listening habits like never before. If a post about a record or a band makes me curious (or nostalgic) I give it a listen. If something trips a trigger and invites me down into a deep musical rabbit hole, I willingly follow it in. Life is short, and none of us will ever hear all the music. Listen as you please.
I realize that the ability to stream music makes the aforementioned easy to do. I would never have been unable to listen so spontaneously even a decade or so ago. I'm a big fan of streaming music for all the investigating and experimenting you can do with such ease. (To anyone reading this who might also be sensitive to the ways in which many streaming services pay so little to the artists whose work they stream, rest assured that I often support artists I really like financially.)
Sometimes things don't trip any triggers with me. In the past I might "try" to like it with further listens, especially if it's getting good reviews. Now, if something doesn’t hit me, I might just try it again later... or I might not. Sometimes it works “later” and sometimes not, but that’s okay too. It's all okay. There are no rules.
My friend and I share a common frustration (or would "sense of wonder" be more accurate?) about certain music slipping past our radar and then "discovering" that music much later on. Here's an example: One of my sweet spots in the world of jazz is small group sessions from the late 50s and early 60s. Most of this came out before I was born. Sometimes when I listen to it, I’m both overwhelmed at how great some of that music is but also frustrated that I didn’t even know it was out there until decades later!
It was a low key frustration, to be sure, but I've never liked missing out on things musical. These days, I’m convinced that such late discoveries only enhance my
daily listening experiences. New musical surprises… only of older music. I realize that my previous frustrations were entirely self-induced, but it's still nice to be free of them.
There's a Zen-like, go-with-the-flow theme emerging here. Music has been incredibly therapeutic for me since I got sick. It helped bring me out of some very dark places. I value it now more than ever ... and I already valued it a great deal! I’m not going to give a second thought to how timely I discovered something, whether or not I "should" like it, how much I know about it, or even whether I'm streaming or listening to physical media sources to hear it.
Life is too short for all of that, except music itself.