Tuesday, May 28, 2024

A Brief Reprieve

We went to the Beloit Cancer Center today to get my second chemo infusion. The first thing we were to do upon arrival was meet with the oncologist to see if he felt my body (based on Thursday's blood work) was ready for another infusion. Physically, I've been feeling pretty good, all things considered. However, the blood work revealed that my liver enzymes were off enough that my oncologist wanted to wait another week for the second infusion.

I did have blood drawn today. That and another scheduled draw on Monday should indicate whether those liver enzymes have stabilized. I agreed to try to increase my liquid intake after my oncology nurse said it would help my liver get back to normal. I'm ignoring the fact that it seems strange to be making and extra effort to help my body get well enough to then be intentionally poisoned again! 

The silver lining in all this is that I get another week of reasonably good health before the (potentially) next chemo treatment. There is a bit of rain in the forecast, but I'm already thinking about places we can go and things we can do, within the limitations of my new weakened "normal" of course. Heck, even if all I did in the next week was stuff around the house and yard, my lack of feeling ill still makes it a win. 

I just got a week off... I'll take it!

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