Wednesday, June 12, 2024

We're On Again (unfortunately?)

The second round of my chemotherapy started with an infusion of Docetaxel on the afternoon of Tuesday, June 11. 

I had no allergic reaction at any point that day. Using my documented reactions after the first round as my only precedent, I didn't really expect to be writing about any reactions until Thursday.

However, after I woke up today (Wednesday) I noticed that my legs felt weak. It really felt like I needed to use my hands to help lift up my legs to get socks on, for example. Stairs have become more difficult. In addition, as the day went on, I started noticing a now-familiar tingling(?) sensation in my mouth. 

All this tells me is that the Docetaxel is kicking in. I did not have a miserable day today, not by a long shot. Tomorrow is anyone's guess.

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