Sunday, July 21, 2024

Half Full or Half Empty?

We are officially "half way through" this horrid chemotherapy - three weeks after my third (of six) infusions of Docetaxel. I really resisted saying that I was "half way through" right after I had the third infusion because the infusion itself is the easy part! It's what happens in the ten days to two weeks after the infusion that puts me through a kind of living hell. 

Now, three weeks after an infusion, I'm still weak and tire easily, but I feel so much more human. At about this time in each round, I start forgetting where I left my cane because I just don't need it as much. Taking showers doesn't feel like I've just run a marathon. I have enough energy that I can help with things like dishes, laundry, etc. I'm able to back off with the oxycodone at night because gummies alone (sometimes with a couple ibuprofen) get me settled, comfy and relaxed. 

In other news, I was recently informed that my PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) is now down to 1.3. It's the main indicator of prostate cancer and "normal" for men my age is anything under 4. Not only am I thrilled to now be well within the normal range but I keep remembering that my PSA was once over 100. My treatments are definitely working. 

Although I've only had two radiation treatments for my hips so far, I'm grateful that the treatments are quick, easy, and completely painless. I did notice a leeetle beeet of tenderness in my left hip the afternoon/evening of the first zapping, but it felt pretty normal in the afternoon/evening of the second one. No sign of Superhero or even Supervillain powers so far.


  1. I'm so glad that the radiation treatments aren't causing all those awful side effects, Rob. Keep updating us as you are able.

    1. Will do. Thanks Lisa. I think it really helps that the radiation is so targeted to very specific places in my hips. There's not much else there to it kind of gets right to the point.

  2. So happy to read that your PSA number is so low!
