Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Dancing With A Fallacy

After reasonable blood test results on Monday (yesterday) we were 'on' for my third chemotherapy infusion today. Thankfully, it went without a hitch. 

However, I want to point out, for reasons that will be more obvious in just a couple seconds, that it was five weeks between my first and second infusion whereas it was only three weeks between my second infusion and third one. I've been scheduled to have them every three weeks, but we delayed the second infusion for one and then eventually two weeks. 

The reason for the emphasis on the gap in time here is that I started to feel something unpleasant today, after we got home from the infusion, through the late afternoon and into the evening. It was pretty low level but, again, I've never (okay, yeah, in only two rounds so far) had any kind of reaction the same day as the infusion! I had this "chemo vacation" that created a five week gap between infusions. This gave my body time to clear more Docetaxel from my system, so that my second round seemed less intense.

The problem with my hypothesis is that, if correct, it could imply that an only three week gap now will lead to a more intense third round. Okay, okay... logically, I'm dancing with the fallacy of the inverse here. (Shout out to my fellow math nerds!) I used the word "could" just above because if a longer gap leads to a less intense round, it's not necessarily true that a shorter gap will lead to a more intense round. 

...not necessarily true...

It doesn't rule it out, either! 

Time will tell, I suppose. 

Meanwhile, I apologize for bringing the math nerd in me out to dance!

One of my gummies had kicked in when I wrote this. 

I might delete it if it doesn't make sense to me in the morning.

Anyway, we're off again. 

Stay tuned for more of the "adventure".


  1. I'm all for the properties of gummies that make life a bit easier. Sleep and pain relief are not to be discounted.

    1. Absolutely. The edibles have definitely made life with cancer and chemo easier.
