Monday, September 30, 2024


Just when you've got something like this figured out, the game changes. 

I have been weak and feeble since I came out of the worst of the side-effects this round. I just never got well enough to do any kind of actual exercise. My wife and I have talked about this and both think that this is a cumulative effect of the chemo in my system. My body is just having a much harder time bringing me back to some sense of normal. 


If we’re right, I worry about what that implies for my next (and supposedly last) round of chemo. 


During this round, I feel that many days were 5-10% better than those respective days in previous rounds. If the next one runs a similar course, I’ll appreciate the slight reprieve in severity but I won’t appreciate the extra bouts of nausea nor an extension of the already long, slow climb back to normal.


We recently read something about people claiming they still didn’t feel recovered until 2-3 months after their last round of chemo! I sure hope that happens just a bit more quickly for me. I feel like I’d feel so much better if I could just get some exercise, yet I can’t exercise when the simplest of tasks or chores wipes me out. Sometimes walking to the bathroom and back wipes me out! That much fatigue is not the least bit conducive to getting exercise.


My sixth chemotherapy infusion is scheduled for tomorrow. I guess all we can do is hope for the best under the circumstances.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps just getting to sit outside in the fresh air will help? A ride in the car and sit looking at the view? I know you started this journey in otherwise good health but withour your normal energy, so it's got to be extra frustrating.
